Are you letting perfectionism get in the way of your weight loss goals?
🫣 If this is you I’ve got a little mindset trick I want you to learn that will help you take back control of your weight loss and make it much easier for you to lose weight and keep it off, for good.
Here’s what you do next time you find yourself in one of those all or nothing situations were things have not gone to plan and your about 2 seconds away from letting a little blip turn into a sh*t show of poor eating decisions!
Catch yourself, pause and take a breather. Now I’m not saying this in a woo woo ‘’just breathe’’ in a patronising way
I actually want you to stop and take a deep breath and the reason for this is that we want to try and settle your nervous system because in the current state your in which is more the likely a heightened one, you are less likely to think logically, be rational and make sensible decisions
Now that you’ve stopped I want you to try and reflect on this situation
Never from a place of judgment, purely to see what you can learn from this
Is It that you know you need to buy X snack in portion-controlled packs instead of big packets? Is it that you’ve eaten due of emotions as opposed to physical hunger? Is it because you skipped lunch and let yourself get too hungry? .. how could you try and avoid this in the future?
Once we’ve reflected on what we can take away from this… it’s time to MOVE ON
It doesn’t matter what you ate, how we much you ate or why you ate it. It happened, we are aware of it, we’ve hopefully gained a greater insight into it and now its time to shake it off and move on
This one situation doesn’t have to derail you. It’s a drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of your weight loss journey
One meal, snack or overeating episode will not make or break your weight loss. Weight loss is about consistency, not perfection.
So next time you’re about to let one little blip turn into a shit show, remember to pause, learn and move on 🌟